Saturday, August 31, 2019

Industrialization, Capitalism and American Dream

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is a novel whose veracity actually became a topic of federal investigation, provides another interesting example of the complex relation between fact and fiction and between naturalism and other literary and nonliterary discourses. The Jungle in many ways presents the appearance of a conventional novel: it has character, event, theme. Yet it is also profoundly shaped by the documentary strategy.Although the novel is organized biographically, the course of the protagonist Jurgis Rudkus's life follows a path which ensures that he will observe phenomena that interest Sinclair; he is conducted through a series of experiences that are not only representative but comprehensive, for this account of the meat-packing industry and the conditions of life for immigrant workers attempts to be encyclopedic.When the Rudkuses arrive in Chicago the first thing they do is tour the packinghouses, giving occasion for sentences like this one: â€Å"The chutes into which the hogs went climbed high up — to the very top of the distant buildings; and Jokubas explained that the hogs went up by the power of their own legs, and then their weight carried them back through all the processes necessary to make them into pork. † As Jurgis and other members of his family take jobs in various parts of the plants, the different operations — slaughtering, processing, canning and so on — are described in more detail.Jurgis also works in a harvester factory and a steel mill, passing through periods of prosperity and of unemployment and want; eventually almost every vicissitude of working-class life befalls Jurgis or one of his relatives. Jurgis himself begins as a strong and successful wage earner, but he is injured on a job and has great difficulty supporting himself while recovering, spends time in jail after a conflict with a foreman, tramps in both the country and the city, joins a union but later works as a scab and then as a foreman, rea ps the benefits of corrupt machine politics, and finally becomes a Socialist.His wife is sexually exploited by her boss and dies in childbirth without competent medical care. His son drowns in a muddy street in Packingtown. His father dies of an illness caused by a job. His cousin becomes a prostitute. What Jurgis cannot experience at firsthand he learns about from others; for example, his cousin tells harrowing stories of women forced into prostitution and explains why she cannot save any money working in a brothel: â€Å"‘I am charged for my room and my meals and such prices as you never heard of; and then for extras, and drinks for everything I get, and some I don't.‘ . . . Seeing that Jurgis was interested, she went on: ‘That's the way they keep the girls — they let them run up debts, so they can't get away'† (p. 352). Jurgis even rounds out our map of the social order when he â€Å"chances† to meet the drunken son of a packing-house owner and is taken into a mansion built by a meat fortune to see how the other half lives. The novel is episodic, even disjointed, if one attempts to organize it in terms of plot; its coherence derives from the documentary strategy.Its events are linked not directly to one another but through their common connection with the abstraction of the â€Å"jungle† and their relevance to the topic of the Chicago meat-packing industry and the lives of its â€Å"wage slaves. † The Jungle demonstrates the metonymic, accretive nature of the documentary strategy, for despite its aspiration to provide a totalizing map of Chicago its most characteristic procedure is to pile horror upon horror just as London does in The People of the Abyss.The action of The Jungle is produced less by the characters' choices than by their reactions as one disaster after another bursts upon them. When Jurgis and his family buy a house, they discover that â€Å"it was not new at all, as they had supposed; it was about fifteen years old, and there was nothing new upon it but the paint, which was so bad that it needed to be put on new every year or two. The house was one of a whole row that was built by a company which existed to make money by swindling poor people.The family had paid fifteen hundred dollars for it, and it had not cost the builders five hundred, when it was new† (p. 77). They find that they owe not just the monthly payments they have been told of but interest, so that it will be almost impossible for them to keep up the payments, and â€Å"when they failed — if it were only by a single month — they would lose the house and all that they had paid on it, and then the company would sell it over again† (pp. 77-78).Portraying a political awakening is one way of suggesting the possibility of profound social change without violating the conventions of realism, and it is a strategy that emerges still more strongly in a later genre that has many affiniti es with naturalism, the proletarian novel. Jurgis's transformation strikes the reader as such a dissonant and discontinuous element in this novel because it so obviously requires him to leave his native realm of victimage to become a character who exercises free will.There is no pretense in The Jungle that the group Sinclair is writing about is the same or even has much in common with the group he is writing for. In a gesture we have encountered before, we find the narrator and reader clearly marked off from the characters by the very languages they use: Sinclair prefaces one description with the remark that â€Å"the reader, who perhaps has never held much converse in the language of far-off Lithuania, will be glad of the explanation that . . . † (p. 2).Although the only things that are recognizably Lithuanian about the Rudkuses are their names ( Sinclair even provides a footnote to tell us how to pronounce â€Å"Jurgis†), they are certainly foreigners. One might deba te the exact degree of irony in that â€Å"perhaps† — I think it is considerable — and attempt to measure the exact width of this chasm between classes, but its existence is taken for granted. Throughout the novel the naturalist plays the role of the readers' guide and interpreter in an alien land. But he is not a native of that land either.Sinclair tells us in his autobiography that his own painful experiences of want — that is, his confrontation with proletarianization, to which his autobiography testifies at length — imbue the book with anguish, but that he is a stranger to the â€Å"jungle† of Chicago. The book is based on his research during â€Å"seven weeks lived among the wage slaves of the Beef Trust, as we called it in those days. People used to ask me afterward if I had not spent my life in Chicago, and I answered that if I had done so, I could never have written The Jungle; I would have taken for granted things that now hit me a sudden violent blow.I went about, white-faced and thin, partly from undernourishment, partly from horror. † 25 Despite the novel's affirmation of the possibilities for change, the realms of knowledge and experience, the worlds of the observer and the participant, remain polarized, joined only by the narrator's pity and good intentions. Nevertheless, The Jungle is famous as a novel that changed the world: an important progressive reform, the passage of the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Acts in 1906, is widely attributed to the public furore over conditions in the meat-packing industry that it created.(It was this that motivated the intense scrutiny of Sinclair's facts. ) But as Sinclair himself recognized, the movement for the inspection of meat had originated with the big packers themselves and ultimately benefited them by providing a guarantee of quality at government expense and removing obstacles to meat exporting. 26 And the reforms demanded by the horrified read ers of The Jungle addressed not the condition of the workers but the menace of the unsanitary practices Sinclair reported — what bothered them was less the claim that men fell into the cooking vatsand died agonizing deaths than the revolting idea that â€Å"all but the bones of them had gone out to the world as Durham's Pure Leaf Lard! † (p. 117). Sinclair wrote, â€Å"I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. † 27 He was neither the first nor the last socialist to set out to write of the iniquities of class society and find himself enmeshed in the mysteries of consumer society.In a characteristic naturalist gesture, Sinclair appeals to his readers to pity the miserable, thwarted lives of the other half; yet he also pays a great deal of attention to unclean meat and does not distinguish the two concerns so clearly as his lament would seem to suggest. The revolting truth about meat revealed an avenue by which the unclean horrors of a world outside the campfire found their way into that well-lighted, respectable circle and exposed a potentially contaminating contact between the disorder of the slaughterhouse district and the haven of the middle-class home.Although it clearly did not capture Sinclair's full intent, the impulse to regulate and rationalize the meat-packing industry was a perfectly consistent response to Sinclair's plea for reform. The connection illustrates the fundamental structural similarity, seen here in miniature and in Chapter 4 at length, between naturalism and progressivism. The social problems of Industrialization As depicted in The Jungle this century has seen dramatic changes in this pattern.With the advent of legal equalitarianism, Industrialization, and a general rise in humanitarianism, social fixity has been succeeded, for thousands of groups, by a high degree of mobility. With the blurring of traditional social class lines and the removal of the more flagrant legal and economic priv ileges of certain classes, there has been marked change in the whole status structure of modern society. With a culture in which the ethic of success is compelling, it is only to be expected that status striving will become obsessive for large numbers of persons.The struggle to succeed, to belong, to influence, lies behind remarkable achievements in all areas of our society. But it also lies behind some of the tragedies: lives broken by the struggle; individuals driven to means that are not tolerated by society, even though the ends which dictate the means are tolerated; children, as well as adults, who seek status security where they can find it, even when it lies in illegal or unmoral contexts. There is wreckage as well as achievement written in the story of social mobility.Wherever the world's population is experiencing Industrialization, family systems are also undergoing some changes, though not all these are being recorded. This means that at least some of the elements of the old family patterns, such as arranged marriages in China, are dissolving. Of course, if a family system is undergoing change, the rates of occurrence of these forms of disorganization, such as divorce, separation, illegitimacy, or desertion, may change. However, the new system may have lower rates of occurrence of certain forms of disorganization.For example, the divorce rates in Arab Algeria and in Japan have been declining for half a century. In several Latin American countries, the rate of illegitimacy has apparently been decreasing. Prolonging life in industrialized countries has meant that fewer children must face orphan hood. Aside from these facts, the main structure of a family system may be altered only slightly by such changes in rates. Finally, though the old set of patterns is in part dissolved, it is usually replaced by a new set of patterns which is as determinate and controlling as the old one was.Despite the importance of these forms of family disorganization for the individuals in the family, and thus for the society, the legal and formal structures of the society reflect little concern with these problems. If a couple in the United States decides to separate, no agency of the society acts, or is even empowered to find out that a separation occurred, unless the wife seeks financial support. There are few customs to guide the illegitimate mother or father, and once again the state moves only in narrowly defined circumstances (e. g.if the mother wants to get on the relief rolls). If a wife becomes schizophrenic, or a child is born an idiot, few customs exist to help guide the family members and the formal agencies of the society do not act unless asked to do so. How Capitalism is hostile to the American Dream? The American Dream has been that every generation could look forward to a better life for its children. Is the dream becoming a nightmare? It is now actively discussed that Capitalism can not avoid a housing crisis that makes the word home a mockery to millions of families.Capitalism can not avoid laying off men in favor of more profitable machines. It can not avoid depressions, when consumers can not buy, nor threats of war to stimulate business. Capitalism can not avoid edging to the brink of war, constantly, to secure raw materials and markets, and to exploit the labor power of other countries. Capitalism makes a travesty of political democracy when a poor man's vote gives him choice only among candidates and polices which may be good for the largest corporations, but not for him. We have a noble traditon of democracy in this land.The changes, as it has moved from an economy of scarcity in an undeveloped country to high production in a mechanized economy, demand that democracy be brought up to date. The rule of a few families controlling the nation's resources is not the same thing as the rule of the people of the United States over themselves. Either we must have economic democracy, or we shall lose the political democracy our fathers fought and died to win. References Acemoglu, Daron. 2003. Cross-country inequality trends. Economic Journal 113 (February): 121–49. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson.2002. Reversal of fortune: Geography and institutions in the making of the modern world income distribution. Quarterly Journal of Economics 117 (November): 1231–94. Aizcorbe, Ann M. , Arthur B. Kennickell, and Kevin B. Moore. 2003. Recent changes in U. S. family finances. Federal Reserve Bulletin (January): 1–31. Alesina Alberto F. , Rafael Di Tella, and Robert MacCulloch. 2003. Inequality and happiness: Are Europeans and Americans different? Unpublished working paper (March). Bertola, Guiseppe, Francine D. Blau, and Lawrence M. Kahn. 2001.Comparative analysis of labor market outcomes: Lessons for the United States from international long-run evidence. In Krueger and Solow (2001): 159–218. Friedman, Milton. 1982. Capitalism and freedom. Chicago: Univers ity of Chicago Press. Garibaldi, Pietro, and Paolo Mauro. 1999. Deconstructing job creation. IMF Working Paper 99/109 (August). Giersch, Herbert. 1999. Marktokonomik fur die offene Gesellschaft. Walter-AdolfJohr Lecture. Gordon, Robert J. 2001. Discussion of Deunionization, technical change and inequality, by Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion, and Giovanni L. Violante.Paper prepared for the Carngie-Rochester Conference Series of Public Policy (February). Greenspan, Alan. 2003. The Reagan legacy. Remarks at the Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA (April 9). Houtenville, Andrew J. 2001. Income mobility in the United States and Germany: A comparison of two classes of mobility measures using the GSOEP, PSID, and CPS. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 70, no. 1, pp. 59–65. Krueger, Dirk, and Krishna B. Kumar. 2004. US-Europe differences in technologydriven growth: Quantifying the role of education. Journal of Monetary Economics, no. 51, pp. 161–90.Lewis, Michael. 2002. In defense of the boom. New York Times Magazine (October 27): 44ff. Maddison, Angus. 2001. The world economy: A millennial perspective. OECD Development Centre Studies. Paris. Sachs, Jeffrey D. 2003. Institutions matter, but not for everything. International Monetary Fund Finance & Development 40, no. 2 (June): 38–41. Sanchez, Thomas W. , Robert E. Lang, and Dawn Dhavale. 2003. Security versus status? A first look at the Census' gated community data. Metropolitan Institute, Alexandria, VA (July). Sinclair, Upton. 1906 The Jungle. New York: Doubleday, Page, and Company.

Friday, August 30, 2019

SOP for International Business Management in Fleming College

Pursuing a post Graduate in International Business Management is a dream, a goal and often a path to a future career. For inc, it is also a responsibility that I owe to myself and a commitment I have to-others. I have realized in the tOday's world that originality is ofte-n sacrificed for time and money. ] want to fully explore the knowledge of Ex p-orts,Imports and Business Management, fully expand on-the insights that it provides and_get my career started. Choosing IBM (International Business Management) as'a career would help launch ray career with a decent business. hich involves interacting with people_ I like to communicate with poople, act like a mediato. r, and solve their problems whether it may relate to rec rui ti ng or dealing with employees. I would like to oversee the business of managing people in an organization. Basically. I am a Mathematics Major. Majority. of my courseivork included fundamentals, derivation, evolutioniproblems and solutions. International Business Mana. gemcnt was on6d lily favorite subject. It is this liking for the subject, which inclines me,toTursue a Post Graduate diploma in International Business Management in your college.Business Management Study Guide Moreover, it is highly in demand in today's modern and competitive world. As a International Business professional has become:important part:of successful company with a-wide-variety of responsibilities. I would consider myself fortunate enough, if. I get to become a part of the team. Additionally, I strongly believe teamwork I choose International Business Management because the current need of the present and the future depends on the placements of business in the right direction. Your program with its,tlexibility and strength of curricultirmand couisework would allow me to further my understanding in this interdisciplinary approach to these complex of business issues that people face daily in their work environment. I am confident I can enhance the scholarly debate in the discipline of conflict resolution. â€Å"We live only once, but if we live right, once is enough†. The same truth applies to one's career decision because the career you choose is going to live with you through out your life and the education you perceive was, is and will be you're most loyal friend and which will help you achieve your career goals. Moreover, education is an investment that will reap rich dividends in the future ; will never go a waste. So one has to make wise career decisions in life for which he may not have to repent in the future. International business management refers to the effective management of business transactions that are to be performed across various countries. This is done to satisfy the objectives of people and organizations. Thus a firm should he aware of various issues while entering foreign markets. There are key political, cultural, social, legal and environmental issues that every organization must fully cover to ensure the smooth running of its business in foreign shores. Failure to do so may lead to may obstacles. It is always effective to take a proactive measure while conducting business in foreign markets. MY interest towards International Business and the knowledge gathered through college at my Master's in Business administration created a passion towards business field education tempted inc to act as a entrepreneur . Since we had only few specialization in my campus j could take only Finance and Marketing. I was first exposed with sales nature were i could find lots of customer relationship activity. At present am fit in Axis Bank Pvt Ltd as a Officer. I realize it is tough for a returning student; however. I do not believe in quitting. Lastly. I always want to succeed. Success here is twofold. First, it is personal success for me in the program. Next, it is my commitment to give you my very best, by learning International Business Management theory and taking it to the classroom and beyond. If I am accepted. I am sure you will not be disappointed. You will find me to be a committed and capable student and an enthusiastic advocate of business.

Jewish resistance through music during the holocaust Essay

The Holocaust refers to the grim period of human history when about six million Jews and millions of other groups such as Soviets, Romani, and Poles in Europe were murdered systematically by Nazi Germans. The genocide was Germany’s â€Å"final solution† to the Jewish question which is what to do with the race of people who supposedly caused all the ills of Germany. Men, women, children, and the elderly were murdered using gas chambers in extermination camps in Auschwitz and other places. Jews however, did not easily succumb to the force upon them. They resisted through various ways, such as extermination camp breakouts and art. Jewish music stands out among all forms of resistance against the inhuman brutality of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. Music served two main purposes for Jews during the time of mass exterminations. On the one hand, Jewish songs in the ghettos and elsewhere expressed their anguish and agony. Words were simply not enough to describe the pain, fear and darkness all around them. On the other hand though, music also uplifted the spirits of Jews. When the Nazis were trying to take away their humanity, the Jews affirmed it through optimistic music. In a way, music became life itself for Jews and other oppressed groups. Like other forms of art, music has the ability to evoke images and feelings in the listeners’ minds. For this reason, music was a convenient way to express the shared sentiments of Jews being murdered. Much of Jewish music ran counter to Nazi culture as Nazis viewed many modern forms of art, including jazz, as degenerate. Nazis forced Jews in concentration camps to make music for them, even commanding them to form orchestras for their entertainment. Jews continued to make music in the ghettos, however. They held concerts, staged operas, and performed many musical works to express their resistance against the Nazis and the sadness of their fate. During the German occupation, the music that surrounded Jews was not restricted to Wagnerian types which influenced Adolf Hitler. Nazis were quick to suppress classical works by Mahler and Mendelssohn because they were Jewish. In 1933, when Nazis started to take power, the Reich Music Office dismissed professional musicians of Jewish origins. John Felstiner, professor of Jewish studies and English at Stanford University, considers Jewish music at the time of the Holocaust as a type of resistance even though it is not done â€Å"physically,† such as ghetto uprisings. Jews performed and appreciated their own music at their lives risk’. Felstiner felt that the music that emerged was consequently free and seemed to have a different feel than poems and diary entries. Different kinds of music resulted from the dangerous situations Jews produced these forms of art. Examples of these are Handel’s â€Å"Judas Maccabeus,† Verdi’s â€Å"Requiem,† bitter songs in the ghettos, and humorous satires composed of old tunes and new lyrics. A friend of his in Auschwitz composed a song with her friends in Hungrian set to the tune of Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. Felstiner thought that the song sustained his friend during her stay in the concentration camp. The Gestapo, the secret police of Nazi Germany, turned Terezin, a town in the Czech Republic, into a ghetto for Jews coming from Czechoslovakia, Germany, Denmark, Austria, and the Netherlands. While the place wasn’t an extermination camp, thousands of Jews still died there because of appalling conditions. During this period, a Czech Jewish composer by the name of Gideon Klein intensified his activity when he was sent to the town. He ran numerous classes for children, organized and performed concerts, and composed music Jewish music. According to Felstiner, one of Klein’s listeners remembered him playing so beautifully that they couldn’t help but let tears stream down their cheeks. At another event, Klein organized a very simple attic concert with three chairs for the string trio. Despite the simplicity of the concert however, the audience was very still while listening to the music. People guarded the steps into the attic and someone kept lookout from the window. Klein’s listener described these musical performances as â€Å"spiritual nourishment† and thought they made them forget their misery and hunger and long for more performances. For Klein and other artists however, concerts like this are an act of rebellion against the Nazi Germans. Gideon Klein was very influential to ghetto residents during his stay in Terezin. As evidence, a teenager wrote a striking poem about him entitled â€Å"Concert in the Old School Garret† depicting his ardent desire to express resistance through his music. Klein’s wonderful largo was formed through the variations of his favorite Moravian folk song her nanny sang to him when he was young. He was not able to perform the song himself in Terezin however, although the score survived. Nine days after he composed the song in September 1944, he was sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. According to drawings of Charlotte Buresova and Petr Kien, visual artists at Terezin during the same period of time, Klein’s face showed clear resistance against the brutal Final Solution of Nazis. Holocaust songs are different from ordinary forms of communication produced during the period because they elevated speech to transcendent levels. Songs written and sang by Jews contained the culture that defined their oppressed communities. Human values can be expressed in the abstract through music. Thus, in an inhuman environment such as the Nazi Germans constructed for Jews and other oppressed groups, singing their own songs was equivalent to crying for recognition as fellow human beings. Songs have a humanizing effect on singers and listeners. Survivors of the Holocaust consider this effect the essential value of singing Jewish songs. Singing at this time was therefore an act of creation and was very important amidst the horrible conditions of ghetto life. Jews asserted their freedom and human life by singing their own songs in the ghetto, which clearly makes the activity an act of resistance against the systematic dehumanization of their race by the oppressors. Ghetto songs symbolized the struggle for survival of Jews. They were the musical representations of life surviving under the harshest of conditions, and not death. For survivors of the mass exterminations and forced labor, Jewish music was beyond ordinary language. It represented the only truth of their life in the ghettos and told the story of their long and hard spiritual resistance. Nazis though, was also aware of the power of music in defining what’s culturally right or reasonable. As soon as the Nazis took power, they limited the activity of Jewish musicians and aired their propaganda through their own songs. Music was used to establish an atmosphere which permitted mass murder since it was seen as a patriotic duty and its victims were subhuman. Nazi music proliferated the streets and the radio waves and even made its way into concentration camps. Initially during the Holocaust, at the arrival depots for captured Jews, they were questioned regarding their musical abilities. People were sorted out into those who could sing or play music and those who couldn’t. Those who could were commanded to perform propaganda music for Nazis before they were sent away to be gassed, incinerated, or tortured. At Auschwitz, the largest extermination camp in history, an all-female orchestra was formed for the entertainment of Nazis. Members of the orchestra were constantly replaced because the women regularly died of starvation, disease or were murdered. At Terezin, before Nazis completely sent the ghetto residents to the extermination camps, Jews continued to produce their music for the people. Ordinary people and artists defied the regime by singing their songs and make their music. They also gathered strength to live for another day by immersing themselves in the operas and concerts that organizers arranged. Josef Bor, a Czechoslovakian Jew, who was imprisoned with his family at Terezin remembered how his fellow Jews proudly sang to their deaths in the face of Nazis. In a concentration camp, inmates sang Verdi’s â€Å"Requiem† passionately in front of SS troops and Adolf Eichmann, the supposed architect of the Holocaust. Eichmann was amused by the performance of the Jews, but the inmates themselves were beyond Eichmann’s twisted humor. According to Bor, the inmates found liberation from exhaustion, terror, and provocation through the power of music. At their performance, the inmates sang with all their strength the words â€Å"Free me, God, from eternal death† in the faces of their murderers. Many musical works have been recovered since the end of World War II. Scores from musicians such as Gideon Klein, Pavel Haar, Hans Krasa, and Viktor Ullman were discovered by researchers. These musicians had notable musical careers even before the Nazis took power and they continued to make music later to express resistance. Ullman was a pupil of Arnold Schoenberg, the famous Austrian composer. Two operas are particularly significant in defining this period of time: â€Å"Brundibar† by Hans Krasa and Adolf Hoffmeister and â€Å"Der Kaiser von Atlantis, oder Tod dank tab† (The emperor of Atlantis or death abdicates) by Ullman and Peter Kien. All of these talented musicians perished in the extermination camp at Auschwitz in 1944. Their works have since been performed in Israel, the United States, England, Czechoslovakia, and Holland. Other vocal and instrumental selections were also gathered from manuscripts found at the camp in Terezin, many of them written anonymously. Holocaust memorials and Israeli libraries have many of these creations, especially of notable of musicians such as Ilse Weber. Weber was an educator and singer who composed and sang songs to children while she was at Terezin. Unfortunately, Weber along with other Jews, were also transported to Auschwitz and gassed. Today, Holocaust commemorations usually include music produced depicting the struggle for survival of Jews at the time. Examples of this type of music is Max Bruch’s â€Å"Kol Nidre,† an interpretation of a Jewish prayer that opens evening services on Yom Kippur, and Leonard Bernstein’s â€Å"Kaddish† an interpretation of the Jewish prayer for the dead. Other pieces worth considering are Steve Reich’s music in â€Å"Different Trains,† Henryk Gorecki’s â€Å"Third Symphony,† Dmitry Shostakovich’s â€Å"Thirteenth Symphony,† and Arnold Schoenberg’s â€Å"A Survivor from Warsaw. † Music, the universal language of human beings, is indeed a powerful tool of resistance. Through its ability to express the humanity of performers, singers, and listeners, Jews made use of music to highlight the inhuman Nazi force that oppressed them. As long as they could make their own music which reflected their culture, suffering, and hopes, Jews refused to be the subhuman creatures which their oppressors wanted them to be. While music will never be a physical form of resistance against unjust forces in society, its unique power to condition the minds of people will always be as potent as ever. Music contains the truth of the lives people live and is therefore a slap on the face of forces that seek to erase people’s humanity. BIBLIOGRAPHY Berger, Ronald J. Fathoming the Holocaust: a social problems approach. Piscataway: Aldine Transaction, 2002. Flam, Gila. Singing for Survival: Songs of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-45. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1992. Gilbert, Shirli. Music in the Holocaust: Confronting Life in the Nazi Ghettos and Camps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Heskes, Irene. Passport to Jewish music: its history, traditions, and culture. Abingdon: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994. Roth, John K. Holocaust Politics. Dallas: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. Rubenstein, Richard L. and John K. Roth, Approaches to Auschwitz: the Holocaust and its legacy. Dallas: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003. Signer, Michael Alan. Humanity at the limit: the impact of the Holocaust experience on Jews and Christians. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nutrition Discussion unit 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Nutrition Discussion unit 1 - Assignment Example One of the concepts that I have note been able to understand or which has put me in turmoil is the source of nutrients. Some professionals discuss the standards without providing distinguishing factors. For instance, the source of iron from fruits is better than from the meat. If the professionals are able to discuss the sources along with different sources and the factors that may take a different stance on the health then it will allow the general public to get a wholesome idea of the nutrient intake standards (Chaudhari, 2009). Secondly, the references that are furnished in the guides explaining the standards of nutrient intake seem to be illogical as they are not able to define the individual standards. This means that the standard may vary for person to person depending upon to the access to food selection and appointment in terms of lifestyle. Sources of nutrients can be attained by a person who has more time then those who remain busy. Chaudhari, R. (2009, August 13). Formulating Nutritional Shots. Retrieved from Food Product:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

American Government - Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Government - Bush - Essay Example He receives the same treatment as would any other major political figure who is prone to take a rigid stand on an issue, the same as any political figure who arrogantly believes that it is his way or the highway. McCain’s amendment passed in the House by a 99 to 9 vote. It was so substantial, albeit Bush was opposed, he was left with no other option except to sign the amendment. In his own recalcitrant demeanor, at the signing ceremony, President stated; In a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and as a commander in chief and consistent with the constitutional limitations on the judicial power, which will assist in achieving the shared objective†¦of protecting the American people from further terrorist attacks. (Bush LA Times) One does not have to project a personal bias when the principle puts forth statements such as the above quote from President Bush. He lets it be known that he begrudgingly af fixes his signature to the amendment. But even though he is compelled to sign it, he will encourage and approve disobedience when he deems it necessary. While scanning the LA Times I came across another article on Bush, which was written by a writer from the Washington Post. I felt compelled to draw a parallel between the two writers and the two papers. The piece from the Washington Post was laid out in an objective manner with all of the facts and a minimum amount of editorializing. Specifically, it was titled â€Å"Port Deal to Have a Broader View†. ... He receives the same treatment as would any other major political figure who is prone to take a rigid stand on an issue, the same as any political figure who arrogantly believes that it is his way or the highway. McCain's amendment passed in the house by a 99 to 9 vote. It was so substantial, albeit Bush was opposed, he was left with no other option except to sign the amendment. In his own recalcitrant demeanor, at the signing ceremony, President stated; In a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the president to supervisethe unitary executive branch and as a commander in chief and consistent with theconstitutional limitations on the judicial power, which will assist in achieving theshared objectiveof protecting the American people from further terroristsattacks. (Bush LA Times) One does not have to project a personal bias when the principle puts forth statements such as the above quote from President Bush. He lets it be known that he begrudgingly affixes his signature to the amendment. But even though he is compelled to sign it, he will encourage and approve disobedience when he deems it necessary. While scanning the LA Times I came across another article on Bush, which was written by a writer from the Washington Post. I felt compelled to draw a parallel between the two writers and the two papers. The piece from the Washington Post was laid out in an objective manner with all of the facts and a minimum amount of3 editorializing. Specifically

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Discussion Questions - Essay Example The private sector organisations ownership is the hands of private individuals whereas the criminal justice agencies are run by the government. Organisations in the private sector work towards profit making for the benefit of the shareholders while the agencies are non-profit making providing services to the citizens. Thus they rely on governmental financial support as well as funds from charities. The private sector organisation can extend their operation globally while the criminal justice agency operation is mainly within a city, state or country e.g. The New York Criminal Justice Agency (DeJong etal., 2013). The presence of regulatory measures defines/limits the activities that both organisations can engage in without contravening the law. In addition, since they both have vested interest in security, they at times create some form of cooperation in flushing out offenders in the society to create a peaceful environment. Lastly, since the agency operates as non-profit making organisation, they are not involved in advertising which is common in private sector. Bailes, A. J. K., Frommelt, I., & Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (2004).Business and security: Public-private sector relationships in a new security environment. Solna, Sweden:

Monday, August 26, 2019

Environmental Justice In Class, Gender, and Race Essay

Environmental Justice In Class, Gender, and Race - Essay Example Fair treatment signifies that no particular community or group of individuals should bear unbalanced allocation of off-putting or offensive environmental outcomes ensuing from industrial, business and legislative procedures or regulations. 2. The involvement as well as contribution of public directly persuade the decisions taken by the regulatory bodies about the developmental prospects of a particular area and its implications on the environment of that area. Thus, meaningful involvement is of paramount significance as it generates awareness in the mass not only towards their environment but also provide them with the justice to have a better living conditions. Meaningful involvement enables people belonging to that geographical are to understand the implications of the hazards caused by the establishment of the industrial setup or any other kind of arrangement that may have devastating consequences on their health and welfare. Generating awareness is the basic step towards any righteousness and when it comes to environment it becomes supreme. The altered environmental conditions cannot be replenished which not only affects the health of the inhabitants but potentially affects the climatic conditions as well. Therefore, meaningful participation/ involvement in matters related with the environment of the community is highly imperative. Instigators of Environmental Justice Movement have these thoughts in their concise that some communities are being treated as very high while others are not privileged and therefore their lives could be put in danger for the developmental benefit of the privileged communities. The Civil Rights Movement (1960s) paved the way for inciting awareness and provided an understanding to the people about the health hazards of their families and community as a whole. Gradually, with augmenting awareness the concern about the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pros and cons of inserting a chip or radio frequency identification Essay

Pros and cons of inserting a chip or radio frequency identification device into an individual - Essay Example Our comfort factor in swiping credit cards or tapping cellular phones at certain POS shows that we think nothing these days of the personal information that it shared with others. Knowing all these factors, I cannot help but wonder as to why there is so much discussion over the pros and cons of implanting an RFID chip just under our skin when such technology is meant to insure that we will get ample and accurate medical care each time we pay a visit to the doctor or the emergency room. It creates an almost perfect healthcare system for us in that way. Companies like VeriMed, who are tasked with the creation of these ID chips assure the patients that procedure for implanting the chip and the accompanying stored information pose no danger to the patient. In fact, listening to their explanation about the importance of the microchip implant is quite logical. VeriMed representatives (â€Å"Patient: For Patients, Caregivers and Loved Ones,† n.d.) assure the patients that it is : .. the first and only FDA-approved patient identification system that uses an implantable microchip. While that may sound like science fiction, its really down-to-earth, common sense when it comes to your life. About the size of a grain of rice and inserted just under your skin in the back of your right arm, each VeriMed microchip contains a unique identification number that emergency personnel may scan to immediately identify you and access your personal health information - facilitating appropriate treatment with less delay. Such an argument actually makes sense when you think about it because in emergency situations wherein the patient is incapable of answering doctor and nurse questions, a mere scan of the chip will tell the doctors exactly what they need to know about their patient. With the chips ability to â€Å"speak† for the patient in a way, a patient is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Plan - Essay Example Starbucks recognizes itself as a family destination. It has been offering milk and hot chocolate for kids but of late, the company has recognized a growing market segment in teenagers. The teens even now walk in and indulge in 16-ounce Frappucinos that contains a high dose of caffeine (Linn 2007). Since there is a family destination and since teens frequent the stores, they must have products suitable for the age group. Moreover, McDonald's and Denny’s offer high quality coffee menus. To counter competition and to stay ahead of competitive tactics, Starbucks needs to be ahead of competitors. The company, by introducing innovating products for the new segment, could offer products that are healthy for the teens. This objective would be in line with their corporate vision of being a family destination. Moreover, one of their guiding principles in their mission statement is â€Å"Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time† (Kembell, Hawks, Kembel, Perry a nd Olsen 2002). SWOT and risk analysis Before introducing the product for the new target segment, SWOT analysis would help determine the risks involved. Strengths Global Coffee brand, strong reputation and good products and services It has 17,000 stores in 49 countries Focus on quality and experience rather than on price Strong brand image and a considerable market share.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Rhetorical analysis of Ha-Joon Chang's My Six-Year-Old Son Should Get Essay

Rhetorical analysis of Ha-Joon Chang's My Six-Year-Old Son Should Get a Job - Essay Example Chang begins the essay with an appeal from a unanimous father that his six-year-old son should get a job like other millions of children. The father justifies his appeal saying that the child one day is going to enter the adult world of survival, that is why; the sooner is the better. Chang expresses this thought through a bold sentence â€Å"I should make him quit school and get a job.† This technique immediately delivers the expected answer. Chang expresses it, â€Å"I can hear you say I must be mad. Myopic. Cruel. You tell me that I need to protect and nurture the child.† Chang’s explains this is how the noble rich societies are going to criticize a father who wishes to send the six-year-old child to the job. Ha-Joon Chang with the above approach received his readers’ attention and achieved the goal. He then delivers the key concept of his article â€Å"This absurd line of argument is in essence how free-trade economists justify rapid, large-scale trad e liberalization in developing countries.† Chang used literary analogy to achieve his goal and to establish his case to his audience. Devolved countries while do not morally approve sending a six-year-old child to the job, at the same time, care less if developing countries industries are forced to enter into an unequal battle because of free-trade economic policies. Chang, again uses analogy to explain the future economic conditions that these countries will eventually be facing due to free trade policies, â€Å"If I drive Jin-Gyu into the labor market at the age of six, he may become a savvy shoeshine boy or even a prosperous street hawker, but he will never become a brain surgeon or a nuclear physicist -- that would require at least another dozen years of my protection and investment.† Again, this is how Chang argues against the implementation of free trade policies in developing countries. After establishing his case to the audience, Chang starts proving the case. H e uses the term infant industries for developing countries and compares it to the process of bringing up of children by parents. Chang’s principal advocacy revolves around rendering protection to the infant industries. He also knows that he has to face opponents’ views that express governments can be over protective, and industries can manipulate for prolong government protection through clever lobbying. Chang explains that the policy needs to be used wisely (â€Å"My Six Year Child Should Get a Job†). In the process of defending his case, Chang uses historical facts. He juxtaposes current infant industries of developing countries with that of United States in the late 18th century. In this respect, Chang refers to the thoughts and proposals of Alexander Hamilton, the United States first Secretary of Treasury. At the age of 33, Alexander Hamilton, declares that a backward country like the US should protect its 'industries in their infancy' from foreign competiti on and nurture them to the point where they could stand on their own feet (â€Å"My Six Year Child Should Get a Job†). This is Chang’s core concept towards today’s free trade policies with respect to the developing countries economies. Hamilton proposed a series of protective measures to achieve the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Type a summary for each of the 4 readings that are assigned this wk Article

Type a summary for each of the 4 readings that are assigned this wk - Article Example Furthermore, Kelly (2008) noted the importance of epistemology and methodology in determining a Deaf standpoint. She stressed that Deaf Studies has to answer questions regarding epistemology and methodology before proceeding to determining a Deaf standpoint. Moreover, Kelly (2008) argued that Deaf women are marginalized because they are rarely found in history books, an absence that disables them from learning more about their gender and Deaf identities. As a teacher of Deaf Women’s Studies, she noticed the glaring absence of books on and by Deaf women. She stressed that few books are by, for, and done with Deaf women. Kelly (2008) concluded that Deaf women scholars should encourage Deaf women to share their writings and other works with them and the public in order to encourage interest in and research on Deaf women. Holcomb (2013) explored how the Deaf community embraces diversity using two perspectives in â€Å"Chapter 13: Diversity in the Deaf Community.† One perspective asserts that the Deaf community embraces differences, while the second believes that due to limited access to multicultural resources, the Deaf community is as conservative as mainstream non-Deaf society and that Deaf people also show discrimination against minority groups within it. He stressed that the Deaf community exhibits both these types of communities. In addition, Holcomb (2013) described that the Deaf community is actually composed of Deaf communities because it represents diverse Deaf groups, such as the hard-of-hearing Deaf, Deaf people from the mainstream, the elite Deaf, the grassroots Deaf, and the regional Deaf. He further explored how diversity in the Deaf community results to division within it. Furthermore, Holcomb (2013) identified Deaf individuals of color with notable accomplishments in different fields. He also stressed the challenges of Deaf people in accessing programs that have holistic components to development and the issues involved in dealing

History of Nursing Homes Essay Example for Free

History of Nursing Homes Essay Today, there are approximately 16,100 nursing homes in the U. S. with approximately 1. 5 million residents (www. cdc. gov). However historically, the sick, disabled, and aged were cared for at home by family members. Changes in technology and social changes have created a shift in how we care for our elderly and disabled, and there is evolution in geriatric care that continues today (Morris, 1995). Nurses have had a huge role in revolutionizing the care for our elderly and for creating what is the modern nursing home. Caring for the old age, or geriatric nursing, is often not viewed as being as prestigious as other specialties in nursing. Despite the growing elderly population and the fact that 46% of all Registered Nurses will be providing direct care to the elderly, the majority of nursing students still do not receive any specialized content in geriatric nursing (Ebersole Touhy, 2006). Later on, we will discuss the development of geriatric nursing as a specialty and as it relates to the history of long-term care. In the sixteenth century, we began to see institutions developed to care for a variety of people in need. This did not just include the elderly or disabled, but any dependent poor, sick, orphaned children, widows, insane, and even minor criminals. These institutions could be considered a predecessor to the nursing homes that eventually followed (Morris, 1995). Poor laws in Europe gave rise to these institutions referred to as workhouses, almshouses, or poorhouses. They provided very minimal nursing care, and the care was often provided by â€Å"pauper nurses† who were not trained and usually inmates themselves, often alcoholics. Agnes Jones, a Nightingale trained nurse visited a Liverpool Infirmary in 1864 and reported â€Å"deplorable† conditions. She was forced to dismiss 35 pauper nurses for drunkenness and stated that bed clothes had not been washed for months (Ebersole Touhy, 2006). These poorhouses were common in the United States as well and often had the same deplorable conditions. Carolyn Bartlett Crane, the Chairman of Charity Organization Department of Women’s Civic Improvement League of Kalamazoo, MI attempted to address these problems first with the Michigan State Nurses’ Association in 1906 and again with the Nurses’ Associated Alumni of the United States in 1907 with pleas for nursing care in these almshouses. In her 1907 paper, â€Å"Almshouse Nursing: the Human Need; the Professional Opportunity†, she described the county almshouse as a â€Å"hospital with the hospital part left out. † She went on to talk about how the specialization of institutions for certain groups, such as asylums and orphanages, left the elderly and infirm to be the majority of those left with no other options besides the poorhouses (as cited in Ebersole Touhy, 2006 p. 8). Little progress was made. In 1912, the American Nurses’ Association Board of Directors appointed an Almshouse Committee to oversee housing in these institutions. Progress continued to be slow. From 1910 to 1920 focus was taken away from elder care due to the war (Ebersole Touhy, 2006). An article published in the American Journal of Nursing in 1930 by Munson, R. N. discussed the conditions in the almshouses and lack of quality nursing care. She states, â€Å"Modern nursing in England and in this country was started with the purpose of ‘cleaning up’ just such conditions in hospitals as are still found in almshouses. † She proposed that these small almshouses be consolidated into larger facilities that are better managed (1930). Morris describes the factors that have led to the need for the care that nursing homes provide today. They describe an area of healthcare when a person is not acutely ill and in need of hospital care, but is perhaps chronically ill and cannot return independently to live in his or her home. This â€Å"middle† is ever changing and is affected by two factors: technology and social change. As we discussed earlier, care for the elderly and infirm had largely been done by individual families. Poorhouses and almshouses arose to meet the need for anyone who did not have family to care for them or means to care for themselves. The need increased in the U. S. as the immigrant population rose and there was a shift from extended to nuclear families. A child born in 1900 had a life expectancy of only forty-seven years old. As medical technology, for example, infection control, rapidly developed, the population of elderly people increased. With the rise in aged population, there was an increase in chronic disabilities associated with age (1995). In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, living standards increased. The poorhouses began to become a thing of the past as there was a movement to specialize care for certain groups. For example: asylums for mentally ill, TB sanatoriums, veterans’ hospitals, and orphanages. There was homecare provided by public health nurses, but many refused to care for the chronically ill (Morris, 1995). As mentioned earlier, the elderly and infirm were among the last left in the poorhouses. Thanks to the efforts of many, including many nurses, there was a push to provide better care and bring trained nurses into these almshouses. By 1940, increased expectations for care and the Social Security Act led to the rise of the modern nursing home. The Social Security Act provided a means for elderly who could no longer work and widows to have financial means to pay for care. Entrepreneurs quickly took advantage and homes for the elderly were often as much for profit as for care. By the 1960s, scandals and patient neglect led to increased regulation and public control over expansion (Morris, 1995). Medicare and Medicaid provided more money for care of the elderly and also further increased government control. Rapid increases in technology and new treatments led to a further rise in the aged and vulnerable population and increasing costs. Nursing homes became linked to local hospitals and doctor referrals. Some homes specialized their services to include services for cognitive impairment or active rehabilitation. Government reimbursement and regulation became more complicated. Nursing homes became less â€Å"homes† and more medical facilities. They operated with a limited nursing staff and very little physician presence. It continues today that nursing homes face contradictory pressures to accept sicker and more difficult patients while at the same time maintaining a â€Å"home-like† atmosphere. All this while limiting costs (Morris, 1995). As more specialized care for the elderly developed, it was apparent that the needs of the elderly were not as simple as taking the principles of nursing care and applying them to the aged. Geriatric nursing has only become recognized as a specialty within the past fifty years. However, the origins of gerontological nursing can be traced all the way back to Florence Nightingale who once was a superintendent in an institution we would call a nursing home today. The clinical study of the aged can be traced back much further to Hippocrates. A Viennese physician, Ignatiz Nascher coined the word â€Å"geriatrics† in a 1909 New York Medical Journal article. In 1935, a physician named Marjorie Warren established an elderly concentrated practice with a concentration on environment, rehabilitation and motivational methods (Ebersole Touhy, 2006). Geriatric nursing is a unique specialty in that it was developed by nurses themselves. Other nursing specialties were first developed in medicine and then carried over to nursing. The reason for this difference is that medicine so often concentrates on curing illness and prolonging life. As Ebersole states, â€Å"Old people often have little life left and therefore are unattractive subjects. † Nurses, in contrast, have always sought to prevent illness and alleviate suffering (Ebersole Touhy, 2006). It seems fitting that nursing, and not medicine, would give birth to this specialty and that is something that nurse’s should take pride in. However, as mentioned earlier, geriatric nursing is often considered the least prestigious of nursing concentrations. With the continued rise of the elderly population as the baby-boomer generation ages, nurses should be prepared to care for elderly in some capacity no matter which specialty they choose. It is unfortunate that nursing schools often provide little material on geriatrics as a unique population. Care for the elderly has continued to make slow, but consistent progress even in more recent years. Although we are leaps and bounds from the almshouse, there has still been serious abuse and neglect in nursing homes and cries for change in the way we house and care for our elderly. In addition to more people receiving homecare services that allow them to live at home longer, there are other movements to change the nursing home itself. William Thomas describes an alternative concept that hopes to revolutionize long-term care, the Eden Alternative. He states, â€Å"The modern American nursing home is being crushed between the intrinsic weaknesses of the institution and the rising expectations of a new generation of elders. We are witnesses to its destruction. Like the leper colony, the tuberculosis sanitarium and insane asylum, the nursing home is about to be heaved onto the ash heap of history (Thomas, 2003 p. 42). † In 1992, the Eden Alternative began as a grant project in New York. It has changed over the years, but is based on a set of principles that aim to make facilities more like homes. The focus is on treating the residents as unique individuals first and patients second. Some changes that differ from traditional nursing homes include environmental changes like carpets, plants, and allowing pets and personal items, single rooms, and family style meals. Staff at Eden facilities do not dress in scrubs and whenever possible, a child daycare is on site to increase staff satisfaction as well as bringing more life into the facility. Currently only about 2% of U. S. nursing homes have adopted this new format despite the statistics showing significant reductions in behavioral incidents, decubitus ulcers, bedfast residents, use of restraints, and staff absenteeism. There was also an increase in census (Thomas, 2003). Going a step beyond the Eden Alternative, an even more recent development has been the â€Å"Green House† with a focus on smaller being better. These homes aim to blend seamlessly into a community and house up to eight residents in what is more than a home-like atmosphere, but very much a home. The technology would still be utilized, but as in the original Eden model, it should be woven into daily life without interfering with it. So far, Green Houses have been able to meet the increasing challenges of providing state of the art care and keeping costs down while complying with state and federal regulations (Thomas, 2003). In conclusion, the nursing home and geriatric nursing have developed to meet the needs of a changing society with ever increasing medical advances and a larger than ever population of elderly. Nurses have been a huge part in the development of what has become the modern nursing home. As the geriatric nursing specialty has grown, there has also been greater understanding of the unique needs of our aging population. It is clear that despite the advances made, there is still much dissatisfaction in how we care for our elderly population and a lot of room for improvement. New alternatives are being developed and it will be fascinating to be in the field of nursing to witness the changes that are yet to come.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Exercise For Beating Obesity

Exercise For Beating Obesity Some people consider fitness a physical activity that includes rigorous daily exercise regime, others consider it is being slim-trim or having muscular body or having stamina to do a marathon run. Fitness is a sign of having fit body and healthy mind. Nowadays, the worldwide percentage of obese people is increasing and it became the centre stage of healthcare industry. Previously, obesity was considered a sign of overweight which means looking bad but now it is a disease which brings lot of medical complication that can become a life threat. This complication can be overcome by proper dieting, exercise and self-discipline. There is a notion that obesity is only related to your weight. People consider themselves Obese by checking their body weight on scale; however, the scale does not calculate body mass (important factor for obesity) and height, which may lead to miscalculation of the obesity. Hence it is important to precisely calculate body mass, height and age to know whether you are obese or not. However, if you have excessive body fat then you would be tagged as obese. Generally, if a person weighs more than the average weight of other people of same height and age, then he or she is considered obese. The excessive body fat leads to overweight. To overcome obesity you need to lose weight. Weight loss is burning more calories than you eat. However, for the effective results it is necessary to know the basics of weight loss, which exercises need to be done and how it should be done? The most important aspect is to keep yourself motivated. The above explained criterias will provide you the tools you require to loose weight. Exercise helps in reducing hunger: According to a study funded by National Institutes of Health and conducted by the Obesity Researchers of University of Michigan, it was found that Physical exercise helps in reducing appetite. The study was presented at The Endocrine Societys 90th Annual Meeting in San Francisco. It focused on the relation among exercise, obesity and Leptin (hormone linked to appetite). In the research, the researchers conducted the test on a group of post-menopausal women (Group that is prone to increased central adiposity (belly fat) because of the change in their hormones). In morning and afternoon, they put these women on a treadmill for workouts. The observation from this activity was that either woman under observation performed a high intensity workout or indulged in a traditional lower intensity cardio exercise. Throughout the day, all the participants (each woman participant) were required to rank their level of hunger on a scale of 1 to 10. Moreover, blood samples were taken to measure the level of leptin in their blood. This study revealed that compared to a normal woman, there was a higher level of leptin in the blood sample of an obese woman. To add, the obese women did not report any appetite loss during exercise regime. The overall outcome of the study is as follows: The hormone leptin affects appetite. For the normal individuals, an increase in the level of leptin leads to lack of appetite. In obese individuals, increase in leptin has minimum affect on appetite. Hence, though the quantity of leptin produced is more, the obese individuals resistance to leptin does not make any difference to their appetite. This kind of pattern indicates the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes in obese men/women. As per the study, both types of workout (high intensity workout or a lower intensity cardio workout) reduce level of leptin in the normal weight woman. That means there should be increase in the appetite. Interestingly, though the level of leptin is dipping during the exercise, the normal weight woman did not felt hungry. (The findings published by the Endocrine Society did not mention anything regarding the appetite of the normal weight woman post-workout.) With respect to obese woman, the high intensity workout had no affect on the level of leptin. Though the moderate cardio type workout led to dip in the level of leptin, however there is minimal affect on the hunger. Overweight messes the appetite control system. With regards to study, the researchers were trying to establish a direct link among leptin, exercise, appetite and obesity. However, they failed to make out complete relation. The appetite control and obesity is a complex issue and the more we try to find out, it gets more complicated and confusing. The one result we can draw from this research is overweight individuals cannot depend on their appetite if they want to lose their weight. Few insights on weight loss are as follows: Your daily activities may just be your key to weight loss. Activities Calories Loss Buying grocery 122 Moving 191 Vacuuming 119 Cleaning house 102 Going for stroll 103 Biking 220 From the above insight we can conclude that increased physical activity can benefit everyone. Most people can begin gradual, moderate exercise on their own. Other activity that can help you in losing calories is Gardening. If this is your hobby than you will never become obese. There are lot of moves involved in gardening like- raking and edging the lawn, moving around the mulch pile, digging holes, pulling weeds and planting seeds. Gardening utilise all the major muscle groups in the body. As per the statistics half an hour gardening can help a 185 pound person to burn around 202 calories. According to one of the studies conducted on this subject gave some astonishing findings such as- gardening could reduce insulin resistance in human body. Increase in insulin resistance could lead to metabolic conditions or diabetes, both of those can significantly contribute to the risk of heart disease. It has been suggested that urban gardens should not only be used to improve public health and provide fresh produce but also to provide exercise. Also, for better gardening, gadgets like electric weed-whackers can be used, which make gardening easy. In addition to gardening, avoiding convenience devices like garage-door openers and remote controls can help you to burn calories and help to increase your overall amount of physical activity. The other activities that can help in reducing weight are as follows: 1. Sitting and reading or watching TV Instead of considering this an exercise we term this an activity. Sitting and reading burn more calories than sitting quietly or sleeping. Brain activity increases when we consciously interpret what we see or read, and for this we need extra energy which is supplied by the body. Increased brain activity burns mostly carbohydrates and thus very little total calories are burned, in contrast other metabolic processes use fat to fuel the process. As per the estimate, this activity will burn 1-2 calories per minute which is very compared to muscle burning fat. 2. Light household work Light housework can burn up to 2-3 calories per minute. For this activity higher percentage of fats are utilized which in turn can burn around 70% of calories. This activity is not usually considered for loosing weight, but if considered can help in speeding body metabolism. For example doing household activities such as washing, cleaning, sweeping, etc., require lot of energy outflow, as a result higher amount of fat are burned and hence it will lead to weight loss. Light household work can become a part of the exercise program and help to speed up metabolism. Once you start loosing weight, your opinion regarding household work will change. Now, for you household work will be as exciting as any other exercise regime. 3. Walking Walking is considered to be one of the best exercises for weight loss. Walking can help to burn around 55% of fat; however, the amount of fat burned depends on the intensity of the walk. A brisk walking or long duration walk helps to burn larger amount of calories. The choice of exercise can be made based on the amount of calories it helps to burn. Walking can be the exercise for the people of any age who want to lose weight. 4. Aerobic exercise or light Jogging Another option for weight loss is aerobics. Aerobics are physical exercises that enhance the heart rate and improve the oxygen intake in the body, which benefits the entire human body. Aerobics includes acts of walking, running, swimming and dancing. This exercise can burn a large amount of energy in the single go. However, for the obese, this exercise can be intense. Especially if obese tries to compete with other fit member. The side effect of intense aerobics on the obese is they may experience heavy breathing that will result in burning of carbohydrates and slowing the percentage of fat burn to as low as 30%. Hence, it is suggested to start the exercise regime with gentle walk. After some weeks you can move to brisk walking and when you become little fit you can then switch to aerobics exercise for better results. 5. Running Average one mile in 7 minutes. Running 7 minutes a mile can burn more than 10 calories per minute. And looking at runners on the street, you may infer that this is the best exercise to lose weight. Most of the runners are slim and thin and this pace of running are suitable for them because they are trained runners and their muscles have adopted to this level of intense running over years. They utilize more oxygen which accelerates fat burning mechanism even at higher levels of physical efforts. However, for loosing weight this may not be the right exercise because you will loose 80% carbohydrates and only 20% fat. Loosing higher percentage of carbohydrates will accelerate appetite rather than suppressing it. 6. Sprinting or weight training Sprinting or weight training is few of the intense exercise you can perform for weight loss. This exercise burn lots of carbohydrates and the amount of calories burned is also very high. However, this exercise can be performed for small durations due to muscle exhaustion. This exercise requires lot of rest between the training sessions and hence can burn fewer amounts of calories. The other exercise like aerobics can be performed regularly because of low physical exhaustion and hence can burn more calories compare to sprinting. You can get positive results by working out lightly over a longer duration. The outcome of above explanation is intense exercise is not a good choice when you want to loose weight. However, it has recommended that intense training had affects on metabolism even though the workouts has stopped resulting in loosing many extra calories during the rest period. Building lean muscles by using weights can provide added advantage by increasing the metabolism and helping in burning the fat at the rest period. If your fitness level is ok then weight training exercise can provide excellent results. For the healthy operation of body system parts, regular exercise is must. Mild exercise helps to maintain the size, tone, shape; muscles of the body and laborious exercise strengthen them. Exercise aids joint flexibility and scope of movement. Performing 5 minutes of each push ups and squat would aid in building muscle mass. The muscles help in higher metabolism and thus burn more calories a day. According to the fitness consultant Mr. Harley Pasternak, author of The 5 Factor Diet, the high heart rate would burn more calories post cardio. The intense the workout, the longer it would take for metabolism to return to its original state. Regular exercise would help to lose weight. The key to lose weight is to exercise sufficiently longer and harder so that your body should burn more calories than it generated each week. A moderate to intense aerobic exercise performed for 45 to 60 minutes at least 5 times a week would give you the best results. 5 reasons for exercise: 1. Additional energy As per the study conducted by the scientist at the University of New Orleans, it was proved that exercise can make you more energetic. To prove this fact, scientist conducted a research by asking 42 participants to gauge their frame of mind before and after a 50 minutes aerobics. The result was the most of the participants felt less tense and tired after the exercise. As per the research conducted in the year 1997, brisk 10 minute walk can provide more energy than eating a candy bar. This is because exercise boosts a hormone that increases energy. Few workouts would strengthen the lungs capacity to pump more oxygen which will aid to improve muscles strength leading to increase in stamina. Hence after workouts you will feel more energetic. 2. Relieve from stress A simple workout can help in reducing stress and anxiety. At Indianan University, researcher used psychological test to measure the anxiety levels in living beings. As per the test, 15 participants were asked to report how they felt before and after a 20 minute workout session. As per the participants, they felt considerably less anxious during an hour and two after the exercise session. Exercise not only enhance the flow of brain element like serotonin, that aid positive mood, but also increase the body temperature which is relaxing like taking bath in hot tub. 3. Creative Mind Exercise can help in being creative. An experiment conducted on 63 participants at Englands Middlesex University, showed very impressive results. Participants were tested after they did aerobics and after they watched a video. The result was they felt more affirmative and also they scored higher on creativity after the workouts. 4. Healthier arteries High-density lipoproteins or HDL (good cholesterol) helps clear the body of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the one which add to artery-clogging. As per the studies HDL can carry cholesterol deposited in arteries to somewhere, where it is not harmful, safeguarding arteries. Hence HDL is very important for the body and exercise enhances the levels of HDL in the body. There is another fat particle in the blood called triglycerides which is related to heart. As per the studies, the lower the level of triglycerides, the lower the risk of heart disease. The intense workout lowers the level of triglycerides by more than 40%, hence lowering the risk of heart disease. Exercising converts triglycerides into fatty acids form which can be burned for energy. You burn calories when you workout which will lead to loss of weight. 5. Improved defences As per the saying, when you exercise you have 40 to 50 % fewer sick days. When you exercise, your heart starts pounding faster and the blood pressure increases, driving disease-fighting immune cells into the blood. Theses cells detect the troublemakers like cold, flu viruses and other bacteria and fight them off the body. Other alternatives to burn calories and Build Strength Spice Up Your Workout Exercise comes in varieties such as walking, jogging, aerobics, tai chi, tennis, gardening, swimming and many others. The important thing is to know which one is enjoyed by you. The more you enjoy the more you can workout. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. Workout using exercise balls: It is a well know fact that many people use exercise balls to workout. They are orthopaedic balls and a highly efficient exercise tool. They are handy and thus people can perform workout at any place such as office, home, in front of television using these balls. The above illustration is enough to prove the effectiveness of the balls. The additional reasons for the popularity of the balls are explored below. Positive aspects and benefits of orthopaedic balls: Because of the balls ergonomic features, they provide support to your spine helping them to be straight and thus making your body well balanced. You can sit on this comfortably with the satisfaction that your sitting posture is correct and healthy. You can sit on these balls in the office comfortably. While working for moderate hours, you have to sit continuously in the same position. This is bad for the back and unhealthy. The orthopaedic balls forces you to change position in order to balance your body on the ball thus providing motion and helping to keep your bones and joints flexible and in shape. Now the question is how it can be an exercise ball. The answer for this question is when you are trying to balance your body on the ball it makes you stretch your muscles and joint without your knowledge. Also, the ball can be called as an excellent companion because numerous exercises can be performed with the ball and it helps you to stay fit and in shape. Other benefits of orthopaedic balls are: One of the benefits of performing workout using balls is exercise boosts your metabolism and blood flow helping to clean your organism, thus providing a healthy lifestyle. Exercise balls are less costly compared to other exercise equipments such as treadmill, weighting devices, etc. Also, since it is toy like, you can have more fun while exercising and can burn calories, gain muscles, lose weight and stay fit. There are lot more benefits of exercise balls additional to those mentioned above. These balls are cheaper and affordable. They can be kept any where in the house and you can enjoy performing on it when ever you want. The other fun and inexpensive exercises are: Exercise Balls As discussed above, exercise balls are the recent trends. The brightly colour oversized plastic balls can be used to perform variety of exercises which helps to improve balance, move; provide Strength, flexibility, coordination, better posture. It also helps in strengthening your body core muscles such as abdomen, back and sides. Pilates Another exercise which is in trend is Pilates. It helps in strengthening your muscles, making them flexible and improves posture. The origin of Pilates dated back to 20th century; it was developed by the German man named Joseph Pilates. Pilates concentrates on using body core muscles to support move through large range of motion. Pilates exercise is performed using mats. But, there are some Pilate exercises which require other large equipment involving pulleys. Pilates is very popular among celebrities and professional dancers, it help to integrate mind and body and helps to maintain slim and healthy shapes. Resistance bands This is a common game played by the kids. A rubber band is stretched with the index finger and it flings across the room to the other person for fun. The same concept is applied in the resistance bands. However not only your index finger but the whole body muscles get workout. In resistance bands, you use your own body weight instead of the external weights like dumbbells for resistance. This is how the resistance bands work: To use resistance band, you should slip the band around your arm or foot and extend or lift the limb against the bands resistance. It can also be sheltered to the door or bar for doing exercise. This is also a cheap and portable exercise tool. They come in different sizes and with different degree of resistance. The utility of shorter bands is they help in strengthening hips, ankles, wrists and hands where as longer bands are used for legs and arms. There are implicit colours to identify the resistance. Yellow colour bands are identified as least resistance bands followed by green, red, blue and black. Physical exhaustion (Exercise) is more beneficial than dieting to overcome obesity: In the research conducted at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre, the researchers were trying to understand what aid in reducing the size of abdominal fat cells. These cells play a major role in developing diabetes and heart disease. The study conducted for 20 weeks gave them the important fact such as burning calories is only one of the remedies for reducing abdominal fat cells the other things that are require is change in lifestyle. Though it is a well established fact that exercise can help in reducing fat cell size, the intensity of exercise is matter or not is not proven. Since it is prevalent that more women suffer from obesity than men, the study usually involves women participants. The target was to lose 2800 calories per week. The participants were divided into three groups and each group had different set of instructions for loosing weight. The first group need to burn calories by dieting alone. The second group was required to walk at the speed of 1 to 2 miles per hour on a treadmill three times a week for around 50 minutes. The third group was required to walk at the speed of 3.5 to 4 miles per hour, three times a week for around 30 minutes. The food was planned by the registered dieticians. The body size, weight, total fat and abdominal fat cell size were measured before the experiment. After the experiment the results were: All the participants from the three groups were able to reduce body weight, fat mass, percent weight, waist and hip girths. However, the second and the third group were additionally able to reduce around 18% in the size of abdominal fat cells because the first group was only on dieting were as the second and the third group was performing exercise. Both the second and the third group were able to burned 400 calories per week through walking. The one of the main reason behind the obesity related diseases is the abdominal fat. It is suggested that the exercise should be prescribed as the prescription for treating health complication related to the abdominal fat. Gym can be part of your home Cardio exercises are considered to be the best regime for maintaining proper health and body fitness. However, pursuing gym is difficult because of the cost and time factor. Nevertheless, it is not required to go to gym for exercising; it can be done at the privacy of your house if you have will and perseverance for the continual workout. If once you are prepared for an hour exercise daily, you can have fit and healthy body and can be a part of exciting world of home cardio workout. Performing cardio exercise at home: Step aerobics is one of the best cardio exercises available at present. Intense step exercise performed for a period of half an hour will help you to burn around 400 calories. Therefore, though it is mostly performed by the women, this can be a good option for men too. This is an excellent exercise that can help all without of any sex bias. Jumping Rope Jumping rope can be a valuable additional exercise tool to the home gym. It helps to improve body parts such as limb coordination, speed and eye movements, thus improving endurance and stamina. Stationary bicycles By cycling regularly you can burn around 500 calories in a single go. This is not a new exercise. People who are in cardio and fitness would have known the benefits of cycling. Therefore, stationary bicycles can be an addition t your gym for easier weight loss and fitness. The other highly productive physical exercises are jumping jacks and swimming. Addition to this, regular walking can work wonders for cardiovascular health. Hence, all the exercises that are mentioned above combined with some other can become your personal exercise regime and you will be benefited without ever leaving the peace of your home. Water Aerobics and its benefits: Though some people have different view regarding water aerobics because of certain discrimination, it can be a lot of fun and excitement for kids and adults. Aerobics is a physical exercise discussed earlier in the article. The latest addition to aerobics is water aerobics and has many advantages. There is no age restriction for this exercise. Its all depends on individual need and capabilities. Water aerobics involves movement of each and every muscle and joints of the body. It is very fun because it calm the heat that generate from exercises. Water allows floating and thus puts less strain on the joints and enough pressure on muscles to work. Obese, who are for a while unable to do exercise can opt for water aerobics. It is sure water aerobics would kindle their spirit. For water aerobics classes certain things need to keep in mind. The exercise regime should be formulated with the help of physicians. Person having diabetes should have medical indication. The water temperature should be controlled to provide optimal conditions for burning of calories. Warming before the exercise is essential and taking shower after the exercise is must because water might be chlorinated. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep you hydrated. It is always advisable to have instructor while swimming and to follow all safety rules for your well being. If necessary you can use floating devices which can help you to be focused on exercise routine. Water strengthens the muscles, hence walking, running, jogging in the water helps to develop cardio respiratory fitness. Different games involve different movement thus provide flexibility. As the classes progress, you can go to deep water depending upon the workout. Maximum of 20 to 40 minutes of jogging and walking per session should be enough for the body. You can burn more calories through water aerobics. You can burn around 340 calories while jogging in chest deep water for 30- minute compared to 240 calories you burn when jogging on land. A well qualified instructor is a must who not only can instruct on water aerobics but also can understand health concerns. Children and exercise: The percentage of obese children has increased drastically in past 30 years. The cause of this is the inactive lifestyle, less involvement in extra curricular activities and sitting and ideally watching the television or playing video games. The parents and the caretakers should plan the schedule in a way that it should accommodate all activities necessary for child. There should be time limit for watching television and the rest of the time should be planned for productive outcome. Child should be encouraged for physical activities such as walking rather than bus, using stairs instead of elevators. As the saying goes children learn from adults. Hence parents should set example for children For child, the routine is full of physical activities. They enjoy playing indoor and outdoor games. These games provide lot of movement and thus provide flexibility and stamina to children. Adults who thing exercising as lifting weights and sweating in gym, can learn from childrens play. Fitness comprises of the three elements stamina, strength and flexibility and all these things can be found in childrens play. All the above three mentioned elements can be seen when children are chasing each other, crossing monkey bars and when they bend to tie shoe laces. It is a duty of parents and teachers to make sure children participate in various activities which have all the elements of fitness. Endurance (stamina) would build when children practices aerobics. Aerobics increase heart rate and speed up breathing. If done regularly, it enables the body to provide oxygen to all the cells and it helps in strengthening the heart. Running, skating, walking, cycling, playing basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis are the aerobics activities and if carried out regularly can benefit the body immensely. Beside useful, these activities provide fun and excitement. Weight lifting is not the only tool for gaining strength and the children who want to do weight lifting should perform it under adult supervision. However, children can gain strength while playing such as climbing or wrestling. Additional to this, children can perform sit-ups, crunches, and push ups for toning their muscles. Stretching of arms and legs helps to improve flexibility and is the activity children perform from early age. Small children start stretching when they reach for things they want or when they do cartwheel. It is not necessary that all children should do the same exercise or spend same amount of time on exercising. For infants, there is no much requirement for exercise. However, children of age 2 and above should spend hour an hour performing planned activities and one hour playing freely. Pre-school children should spend more than an hour for planned activities and the school children should spend more time. Exercise is not only beneficial for adults but it is also has many benefits for children. Children who perform physical activities are less prone to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Physical exhaustion leads to strong muscles and bone structure and has slim body. Also, exercise helps in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels in blood. And thus young children have better chance to be healthy adults. Physical exercise not only keeps good health but also aid in better sleep and helps to cope with stress. With respect to food, parents and teachers are responsible for incorporating the healthy food habits among children because junk food reduces the positive effects of exercise. The role of exercise in preventing childhood obesity: The increasing threat of childhood obesity is visible in the United States as well as around the word in developed and developing countries. Obese children are at a greater risk of severe medical complexity. The chronic disease such as osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease can cause severe health complications. This will lead to poor quality of life, shortened lifespan, increased personal and financial burden. All the above occurred due to the physical inactivity. Thus, it is important to consider exercise and physical exhaustion as a resource to combat childhood obesity. To understand the literature of childhood obesity, familiarity of weight status in children and metabolic syndrome is important. Exercise plays a vital role in managing weight from prenatal to adolescent stage. Children family and community impact the accessibility of physical activity. Resistance Training Vs. Aerobic Training Resistance training and aerobic training are best in the routine for any population unless there are some underlying circumstances. Both the workouts have their benefits. However, the benefits you get from these workouts are different. No one is better than other. Which one to select depends on the requirements? Resistance and aerobics exercise should be incorporated for childhood obesity. The two exercises go one after the other. Resistance training builds muscles, which in turn helps in burning more calories during aerobics. It is proven that aerobics burn more calories; resistance training has higher position for burning calories. Resistance Training Resistance training increases muscular strength. It is the ability of muscle to produce force against a resistance. Muscular strength is the ability of a person to exert force on physical objects using muscles. Muscular strength enhancement can be improved by introducing muscles to a stimulus which is greater in resistance than they are familiarized to. The above mentioned resistance is heavier than aerobics resistance. It should be noted that, older children get more benefits from the resistance training than the younger ones. This happens because due to the release of hormones after puberty. For the same reasons, men will have greater training effects than females. Resistance training not only increase bon

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Significance of Fog in Long Days Journey into Night Eugene by ONeill

Long Days Journey: The Significance of Fog (8) A Long Day’s Journey Into Night, by Eugene O’Neill, is a deeply autobiographical play. His life was rampant with confusion and addictions in his family. Each character in this play has a profound resemblance, and draws parallels and connections with a member of his own family. The long journey that the title of the play refers to is a journey into his past. Fog is a recurring metaphor in the play; it is a physical presence even before it becomes a crucial symbol of the family’s impenetrable confusion. It is referred to in the text as well as stage directions in this play. It sets the mood for the play in all its somber hues. He uses the fog outside the house as an atmospheric element that has an ominous presence throughout this play. His parents and the surroundings that he grew up in were tainted by broken dreams, lies, disease, past issues, alcoholism and drug addiction. There was this web of darkness and fogginess that encased his life and past that is portrayed in this play as well as others by O’Neill. The symbolic implications of fog in the play are descriptive of the struggle in the minds of this deeply conflicted family. The significance of fog in O’Neill’s writing can be examined in two forms. The first is what type of emblematic quality does the fog provide in this play, and the second is what are other plays in which O’Neill has used fog in a similar way. This play takes place through an entire day where the climate mirrors the mood of the family. â€Å" The play begins at 8:30 in the morning with a trace of fog in the air, and concludes sometime after midnight, with the house foghorn.† (Brustein 1020). The intensity of the fog continuously increases throughout the day, directly correlating to the murkiness in the household. The family’s mood significantly intensifies with the intensity of the fog. There are copious connections between the life of the fog and that of the Tyrone family. All throughout the play there is a conflict between past vs. present, truth vs. lies, and addiction vs. sobriety. This family lives amidst a haze of denial and as the fog gets thicker, they continue to get further lost. The fog has a polarity that directly relates to Mary, â€Å"†¦ the mood changing from sunny cheer over Mary’s apparent recovery to gloomy despair over her new descent into hell † (Brustein 1020). The fog is fi... ...n clarities. The fog is created out of pain in order to dilute clarity. The individuals in this play needed to escape themselves but didn’t succeed. O’Neill expresses the same fear of truth and uses the imagery of fog in The Iceman Cometh. The Iceman Cometh is written in the same time period as Long Day’s Journey Into Night, and is a parallel in the struggle of the past vs. present. The use of the fog imagery is not as direct in this play, but there are subtle mentions of fog in the play, such as â€Å" the gray subdued light of early morning in a narrow street† (O’Neill 660). This grayness is almost identical to the morning that the Tyrone family experiences after being awakened by the foghorns. Both stories spell the gloom and dreariness of these characters and their lives. The imagery of fog wasn’t as prominent in the rest of his plays. O’Neill had a great amount of turmoil in his life and the Long Day’s Journey Into Night story reflected perfectly the fogginess and daze he lived through. His dark life experiences have given him a rich, emotionally charged place, from which to write. The fog serves as a tool to paint the dreary picture and symbolize this darkness through his plays.

Monday, August 19, 2019

eating disorders :: essays research papers

We have all heard the typical stereotypes of the â€Å"perfect body.† Who really has a perfect body anyways, and what does it look like? Are all girls supposed to be tiny and twig like, and are all guys supposed to be macho muscle men? No, and if this were true then that’s how we would have been created, but were not, so be proud of who you are. Thanks to media and today’s culture people are destroying their bodies. We cannot put all the blame on the media though, psychological and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, guilt, the loss of control, and the need for attention, are among some of the factors that can lead to eating disorders. The three disorders commonly referred to are obesity, anorexia, and bulimia. Each disorder is dangerous to the body, and in many cases can lead to death. Eating disorders affect 70 million people worldwide, and in a single persons life approximately 50,000 people will die because of this terrifying disease. Obesity is the increase in body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat. It can be caused by many factors including the ingestion of excessive calories, inactivity, and insufficient exercise. Overeating may also result as a pattern established by family and cultural environments, leading to an emotional dependence on food. Some experts, however, may say that obesity is based upon genetics and physiology, rather than a behavioral or psychological problem. There are many myths regarding obesity, for instance, those who are obese eat more than the non obese. A study in 1979 proved that 19 out of 20 obese individuals eat the same amount as the non obese. People believe that obese individuals are emotionally disturbed, but although they deal with immense social pressures, they do not posses more or less emotions then others. Body fat is said to be unhealthy but in actuality some body fat is beneficial. Another myth is that the obese are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Th is is true with yoyo diets which cause weight to fluctuate throughout adult life. It is thought that obese people are lazy and unfit, but many do exercise and live longer than those who are thin, unfit, and do not exercise. Everyone gets â€Å"fat† with old age. Weight increases with age because people become less active, metabolism slows, and you loose muscle mass. Obesity is not untreatable; radical treatments include shutting the jaw, stapling the stomach, and intestinal bypass operations.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Pour commencer mon TPE, j’ai dà » choisir mes compagnons pour former un groupe . Nous devions obligatoirement former des groupes de trois à ©là ¨ves, j’ai donc constituà © un groupe avec Sarah et Manal car nous nous entendions bien et nous à ©tions prà ªt à   faire un bon travail d’à ©quipe . Ensuite nous nous sommes penchà ©s sur le choix du sujet. A. La rà ©alisation de notre TPE I Le choix d’un sujet Une fois que nous avons formà © le groupe, nous sommes passà ©s au choix du sujet de notre TPE. Pendant les premià ¨res sà ©ances, nous avons fait plusieurs recherches mais finalement notre choix s’est vite portà © sur un thà ¨me : l’intelligence artificielle qui nous aurait permis de relier les SVT avec la physique et les mathà ©matiques . Nous avions d’abord prà ©vu de travailler sur le cerveau artificiel. Pour cela nous avons effectuà © des recherches sur ce sujet mais nous nous sommes rapidement rendu compte de la difficultà © de ce sujet, nous avons donc complà ¨tement changà © notre sujet et nous avons dà ©cidà © de parler des armes chimiques en Syrie. Nous avons ensuite dà ©fini notre problà ©matique : le dà ©mantà ¨lement de l...